The IMPLEMENT4.0 consortium consists of 7 partners from three European countries (Turkey, Italy, and Spain), coordinated by OMU from Turkey. IMPLEMENT4.0 brings together a multidisciplinary team with a wide range of technical experience and know-how in agriculture, smart farming and e-learning, to efficiently implement the work in addressing the skills needs of the agriculture workforce, as well as to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project outcomes. The consortium intends to gather all the necessary information on the current needs of agriculture personnel in terms of digital knowledge and train them for improving sustainability & efficient use of sprayer technology.
OMU - Ondokuz Mayıs University (Turkey)
Ondokuz Mayis University is a state university founded in 1975. The university consists of 15 Faculties, 1 Conservatoire, 3 Schools, 11 Vocational Schools and 5 Graduate School with over 40000 student and 2000 academic staff. Ondokuz Mayis University is one of the leading universities in Turkey with approximately 1200 students from 62 countries. The Faculty of Agriculture is one of the first education-teaching faculties of Ondokuz Mayis University. There are 9 departments within the Faculty of Agriculture along with the Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technology Engineering.
CU - Cukurova University (Turkey)
Cukurova University is founded in in 1973. Cukurova University established on a 20 thousand hectares land on the east coast of the Seyhan Dam Reservoir Lake located in Balcalı Campus area at a distance of 10 km to the city center. Starting off with two faculties, today the university consists of 16 Faculties, 5 Academies, 13 Vocational Academies, 1 State Conservatory, 3 Institutes and 25 Research and Application Centers. A total of 1900 Academic Personnel are employed at the CU for the education and training of a total of 44000 students, consisting of 38000 undergraduate and as-sociate degree students and more than 4100 graduate and PhD students. The Faculty of Agriculture is one of the oldest faculties of CU. There are 11 departments within the Faculty of Agriculture along with the Department of Agriculture Machinery and Technology Engineering.
AU - Ankara University (Turkey)
As the oldest university of the Turkish Republic, Ankara University is founded in 1946. Ankara University provides education through 17 faculties, 1 vocational schools, 10 colleges and 1 conservatory and 13 graduate schools. Totally 1842 academic member employed at the University. The total number of auxiliary academic staff is 1639, which consists of 139 instructors, 166 specialist, 259 lecturers and 1075 research assistants. Ankara University also employs 5527 administrative staff. The Faculty of Agriculture is one of the oldest faculties of Ankara and amongst Turkish University as well. There are 11 departments within the Faculty of Agriculture along with the Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technology Engineering.
COAG - Jaén - Union of Farmers and Livestock, Young Farmers of Jaén (Spain)
COAG-Jaén is a professional farming organisation which operates in the Jaén province, in Andalusia. It provides a wide range of services from the defence of farmers interests to training, information and technical advising, R+D, dissemination of technical improvements, etc. COAG has a wide experience in all the previous mentioned aspects having participated in different programmes (Pluriregional, Forcem, Plan de mejora de la calidad de aceite de oliva, etc.). COAG also acts as representative of the farmer’s voice with policy makers at National, Regional and Local Level. Since 2015 COAG Jaén has been participating year after year in new ERASMUS + KA2 projects related to developing training for young farmers, on issues related to generational succession, cooperation, financing, multi functionality, agricultural landscapes, as well as the labour integration of groups at risk of exclusion. One of the main COAG activity areas is rural development and developing innovative measures which may improve the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the farming enterprise.
OnP - On Projects Advising SL (Spain)
On Projects was born in 2014 as a project managing consulting enterprise. Its main focus is advising enterprises, associations, public bodies and other entities in managing, monitoring and evaluating public funded projects. On Projects staff has a wide experience in managing projects in the framework of many European Programs (including 6th and 7th framework program, Horizon 2020, Life, Progress, Culture and Media programs, Youth in action and of course LLP and ERASMUS+) with a special focus on VET in rural areas and Agriculture/Rural development domains.
AèV – Agriculture is Life – Association (Italy)
AèV is a non-profit association promoted by Cia-Agricoltori Italiani for vocational training, innovation and digitalization in the Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa, for the benefit of women and young farmers members of farmers organizations (FO), cooperatives and other forms of agricultural associations, and for the benefit of the local FOs themselves.
AèV works for the enhancement of family farming, the promotion of the value of agricultural enterprises, the strengthening of local agricultural associations. The inspiring objective of AèV’s initiatives is the consolidation of a new model of long-term sustainable development of agricultural production, respectful of the environment, firmly linked to the rural territory and the values of local communities.
ENAMA - Italian National Agency for Agricultural Mechanization (Italy)
ENAMA is recognized in accordance with the provisions of Italian Presidential Decree 361/2000 as a body established to offer the agro mechanical industry in Italy effective support in order to improve competitiveness, enhance technology and raise awareness of the performance and safety features of the machinery amongst those operating in the industry. To guarantee impartiality and implement a policy of agreement through consultation in the farming industry, the following bodies all form part of ENAMA: the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Italian Regional Authorities, Cia, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Unacma, FederUnacoma and Cai. The operational structure is constituted by CRA-ING, the Council for Research and Development in Agriculture and the Institute for Experimental Research into Agricultural Mechanization. ENAMA's personnel has the necessary expertise to tackle all of the various problems faced by the industry day in, day out, such as the complex regulations on performance, safety, environmental protection (UNI, EN, ISO, OCSE, etc.) and road traffic regulations for agricultural machinery, certification, new technologies and alternative fuels. Specialized centers within the operational facilities offer the opportunity to conduct internationally recognized tests and checks of all types on everything from tractors to farm implements and components, and can even provide details of other important facilities overseas that are associated with ENTAM.